About IRa

IRa's Activation
Back in 2017 my life was very average, and I was unaware of what was about to change my life. One morning while I was in a quiet space, I was communicated to by 3 beings, telepathically. They voiced, "we are ready for you now". At that instant, I immediately knew what they had activated within me. I had a all knowing of exactly what they had activated. This lead me to fast, cleanse my body, and begin meditating many times per day. I began to "search". I found a deep spiritual connection with Arch Angels, the Christ Energy, and other Cosmic Sentient Beings. I experienced paranormal phenomena on many levels, and I am very grateful to those 3 beings, whom are known as the Yahyel.

The tetrahedron you see here is a geometric meditation trilateral structure designed to amplify and magnify energy, from intent and visualization. I use it to perform personal high frequency impressions on the globe for healing and consciousness expansion of the human collective.
This is achieved by use of general and advanced meditation practices, such as music mantras, for powerful energy amplification and expansiveness of my auric fields, and guided meditations for alignment and activation's. With my intent I am able to produce all sorts of tangible and extraordinary experiences that attracts me for more. I encourage anyone to build one for themselves, so they may discover their own experiences and share with others.